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Overview The thirteenth edition of the Polyhedra and Combinatorial Optimization Days (JPOC13) will be held in Clermont-Ferrand on June 28, 29 and 30, 2023. News You can find the list of updates on the news page. Registration Registration opens on February 27, 2023 (free for students) on the Registration page.
Registration includes breaks, lunch and the gala dinner (Thursday, June 29). Important: payment is only possible by credit card. Invoices will be distributed on the day of the reception.
Submission In order to edit a collection of abstracts of the presentations at the JPOC days, please send us an extended abstract, in French or in English, between two and four pages, in pdf format, using the following latex model:
Pictures Proceedings Planning JPOC13 ProgramWednesday, June 28, 202311h00-12h00 Welcome 1
12h00-13h00 Lunch
13h00-14h00 Welcome 2
14h00-14h30 Opening of the days JPOC13 Mourad Baiou, director of LIMOS - Ridha Mahjoub, professor U. Dauphine
14h30-15h20 P1 Identification problems in graphs and other discrete structures.Florent Foucaud
15h20-15h50 SP1 Submodular maximization of concave utility functions composed with a set-union operator with applications to maximal covering location problems.Ivana Ljubic
15h50-16h10 D1 Formulation étendue pour le problème de l'arbre couvrant budgeté.Charles Nourry
16h10-16h30 D2 How to cut efficiently in bi-objective Branch&Cut algorithm ?.Yue Zhang
17h00-18h30 Social event 19h30-20h15 Welcome Aperitif
Thursday, June 29, 202308h30-09h20 P2 Mathematical Formulations for Consistent Travelling Salesman ProblemsJuan José Salazar Gonzalez.
09h20-09h50 SP2 Sequential matroid-game against greedy.Denis Cornaz
09h50-10h10 D3 Optimization methods for the multi-commodity flow blocker problem.Isma Bentoumi
10h10-10h30 D4 Triangulation de Hilbert unimodulaire des cônes simples totalement équimodulaires.Mathieu Vallée
10h30-11h00 Coffee break 11h00-11h50 P3 Perspective Formulations for piecewise convex functions: a theoretical and computational comparisonClaudia D’Ambrosio.
11h50-12h10 D5 A new hybrid method for unconstrained quadratic programming combined with the techniques of semidefinite programming and branch and bound method.Rabih Battikh
12h10-12h30 D6 Algorithme de Branch & Cut exploitant les symétries du polytope du sac-à -dos matriciel symétrique en poids.Alexandre Heintzmann
12h30-14h00 Lunch 14h00-14h50 P4 The 4/3 Conjecture: Is it true or false?Sylvia Boyd.
14h50-15h20 SP3 Online Covering with Multiple Experts. Kim Thang Nguyen
15h20-15h40 D7 An efficient 2-competitive online algorithm for kit update at MSF Logistique.Mickael Gaury
15h40-16h00 D8 Pickup and Delivery Problem with Cooperative Robots.Chi Thao Nguyen
16h00-16h30 Coffee break 16h30-17h20 P5 A new algorithm for increasing the weight of minimum spanning trees and hypertrees.Francisco Barahona.
17h20-17h40 D9 An hypergraph based formulation for an Automatic Storage Design problem.Luis Marques
17h40-18h00 D10 Nouveaux modèles pour la construction d'arbres de classification optimaux.Valentine Huré
19h30-22 h Dinner
Friday, June 30, 202308h30-08h50 D11 On the star forest polytope for cactus graphs.Thanh Loan Nguyen
08h50-09h40 P6 Geometric Packing, Hitting and Representation: the simplest Open Challenges on Geometric Intersection Graphs.Andras Sebo.
09h40-10h10 SP4 Maximum chordal sub-graph problem.Pierre Pesneau
10h10-10h30 D12 On the box-total dual integrality of the perfect matching polytope.Francesco Pisanu
10h30- 11h00 Coffee break 11h00-11h30 SP5 What is the gradient of a Linear Program? Automatic differentiation on a polytope.Guillaume Dalle
11h30-11h50 D13 A branch-and-bound algorithm for two-stage no-wait hybrid flow shop scheduling with interstage flexibility.Yosra Makhlouf
11h50-12h10 D14 Quantum speed-ups for single-machine scheduling problems.Camille Grange
12h10-12h30 D15 Cutting Plane and Column Generation Algorithms for the Survivable Constrained-Routing and Spectrum Assignment Problem.Youssouf Hadhbi
12h30-14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h30 SP6 Smoothed analysis of the simplex methodSophie Huiberts
14h30-15h00 SP7 The quickest route problem.Jean-François Maurras
15h00-15h20 D16 Formulation étendue pour le polytope des co-2-plexes.Alexandre Dupont-Bouillard
15h20-15h40 D17 Formulations linéaires pour le problème d'isomorphisme de sous graphes non induits.Etienne De Gastines
15h40-16h00 D18 Initial Lagrangian Multipliers Prediction Based on GNNs to Speed Up Bundle Methods.Francesco Demelas
16h00 - ∞ Closing party.
Le Mont-Dore
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